Accelerating Deals with Targeted Marketing Tactics

Accelerating Deals with Targeted Marketing Tactics


25 minutes

Gone are the days of Marketing handing over a lead to Sales and wiping their hands clean of it. With more goals tied to pipeline and revenue, Marketing leaders need to identify opportunities to help Sales hurry the sales cycle. Colin and Nick from Alyce will discuss several late-stage tactics they use to help Sales close more deals.

Speaker Info

Colin White, Head of Demand Generation at Clearbit With a background of advertising, marketing ops, and general growth know-how, Colin heads up the Demand Generation team at Clearbit. Based out of Montreal, Quebec, Colin brings his Canadian charm to Clearbit's marketing campaigns while caring for his dog, Alder.

Nick Bennett, Director of Evangelism & Customer Marketing at Alyce Nick currently leads customer marketing at Alyce, a platform to help marketers harness gifting as a tactic to book meetings and accelarate pipeline. He's an experienced thought leader and podcaster, hosting Rep Your Brand & Real ABM.

Key Takeaways

  • Marketers are so focused on creation of pipeline that they're not focusing seeing those deals close.
  • Should marketers be compensated like sales is? When revenue organizations tie marketing goals and bonuses to revenue targets it can help keep marketers incentivized to not just get leads but close them.
  • Don't make the common mistake of taking open prospects out of your advertising audiences. This removes them from seeing educational content and other trust-building content that can accelerate the deal.
  • Strategic gifting can take outbound touches and turn them into "outbound moments".

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