

Docker & CoreOS - Part 2

Engineeringby Rob Holland on September 12, 2015

In Part 1 [] of this series we gave you an overview of the deployment process at Clearbit. In this post I'm going to talk about our how we use fleet to run our services. > Note: We use Amazon's EC2 system. In this article when I refer to a machine I'm really talking about an EC2 instance. I've used machine to avoid confusion with an instance (runnning process) of an application. Life before Fleet Before migrating over to CoreOS/Fleet we were using dok

Clearbit x Stamplay

Engineeringby Matt Sornson on August 13, 2015

We always get excited when there's a new easy way for people to use the Clearbit APIs. And here's the latest one! Stamplay [] is a backend as a service platform that let's you add our Enrichment APIs to your application with minimal custom dev work. Using Clearbit within Stamplay is pretty simple and we wrote a quick tutorial [

Docker & CoreOS - Part 1

Engineeringby Alex MacCaw on July 20, 2015

We use Docker and CoreOS extensively at Clearbit. We have over 70 different internal services running across a cluster of 18 machines on EC2. Every day our servers handle upwards of 1.5 million API calls, and that growth rate is only increasing. All this means being able to scale our infrastructure quickly is incredibly important to the company. We've made significant upfront investments into tools to help us with this and we'd like to share our experiences to help other teams facing similar ch

Company Tech Tags

Engineeringby Alex MacCaw on June 17, 2015

I'm happy to announce we've released a new data attribute for our Company API - technology tags. These tags represent the technology stack and products used by a company. This can be quite handy. We love instantly knowing whether a new signup comes from a business that already leverages cloud technology or not. In addition, it helps us be more targeted with messaging as to our prebuilt integrations (ex. someone uses Salesforce). For example the tech tags for [] s

Versioning APIs Internally

Engineeringby Alex MacCaw on June 02, 2015

There's a fair amount that's been written [] on how to version APIs, but what nobody talks about is what goes on behind the scenes--how versioning is implemented at a code level. One reason behind this is that the implementation is often a mess, a nestled spaghetti of conditional statements littering your codebase that usually looks something like this: if params[:version] == 1 show_something else show_something_else end At Clearbit we've been con

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