Total Addressable Market Calculator

Use Clearbit's database of 50M companies to generate your Total Addressable Market (TAM) — for free.

Know your TAM without stomaching painful amounts of budget, hours, and compromises.

Quickly iterate on new segments to pursue

Instantly gut check your ideal customer profile

Validate market hypotheses with a few clicks

Create free target account lists for sales

"I calculated my TAM for a big experiment in less than 2 minutes. Got buy-in to proceed that same day. Hours, days, maybe even weeks of research and validation was reduced to a few clicks." logo
Pablo Penades
Pablo Penades

Growth Marketer, Unbounce

Read the FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Clearbit?

    Hunches only go so far. Clearbit fills in the knowledge gaps with real-time context on companies and employees. We help marketers create more personalized experiences — data for customizing high-traffic websites, precise lead scoring and routing, that sort of thing. And we help sales teams with an enriched Salesforce, custom sales alerts, and more.

  • What is TAM / Total Addressable Market?

    TAM, or "Total Addressable Market", is the total amount of revenue you could earn by selling your product or service. It is a determination of the market size for your business.

    Due to competitors and other forces, it is very unlikely that one company can sell to their entire TAM. Your market share is the percentage of your TAM you have captured or sold to.

  • How is TAM calculated?

    This tool uses our Discovery API which searches our database of 50M companies based on the attributes you chose, and returns a list of companies with 100+ B2B attributes on each. You can read the API docs here. We then multiply the number of companies by the ACV you enter to calculate your TAM size.

    The cool thing is, you don't even need to be technical to access this data. We surface this data throughout our product and integrations. If you would like to learn more, you can schedule a demo.

  • How accurate are the calculations?

    Very accurate. We build your calculations on top of the widest and most up-to-date company dataset in the world. This means accessing data on every company with a website, generated from 250+ public and private data sources and verified via machine learning and highly-trained QA. Furthermore, we work to ensure accuracy by refreshing our data every 30 days.

  • What kind of data will I receive?

    Download a sample CSV of our data here or all of our attributes here. When you calculate your Total Addressable Market, you will be able to download up to 100 results with all of this data, completely free.

    This data will allow you to better understand your TAM, for example the technology they use, industries they are in or countries they serve. Armed with this information, you will be better able to market to and sell to this group.

  • What if I don't know what attributes my TAM has?

    Usually, we suggest choosing attributes that matches your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). If you are unsure of your ICP, Clearbit can help! Get in touch with us here.

  • I'm getting an error

    As it is a free tool, we rate limit requests. So if you are making too many requests you will have to wait a while before trying it again. If you are abusing the service, please stop, as we will have to take it down for everyone then ;)

© 2025

Total Addressable Market Calculator by Clearbit

1Enter your Annual Contract Value (ACV)

2Define your target company (choose at least one)

and      Industries

and      Employees

and      Business model

and      Countries

and      Keywords